OK, I am sorry, I suck at keeping up on the blog OK? Actually, you know what it is? I realized finally that I don't like blogging about Lorrie and I anymore. It feels too much like kissing and telling or something like that, LOL. Oh we kiss still, lots and lots, and we don't wait months to see each other, although sometimes we do have to wait a few days here and there, and I can tell you all that the two of us are more in love since I moved here than either one of us thought was possible and we used to think the possibilities were enormous. I will tell you it is so damn much fun doing anything and everything together, and it is equally fun when we do absolutely nothing together too. And I suspect when Lorrie is chasing me around the yard with her cane at 85 it will still be fun!!!! I suspect maybe I should get over blogging about Lorrie and I. She'll let me know if she doesn't like something, and I can apologize then...... or she can just delete it if she doesn't like it, LOL. We just wanted to help other women like us when we started it, we can't help if we don't share the things that we have gone through. You just won't get so many kissing blogs maybe?
Lorrie took me to New York this last weekend for Valentines Day. We went to see Melissa Ferrick in concert at the City Winery, she was wonderful, so was Melissa Ferrick, lol. It was the first time we stayed in a hotel since I moved here. It was fun, not at all stressful nor bittersweet like it was for so many years......
Lorrie held my hand as we walked all over the city....... I think that was my favorite part. I haven't told her that, but it was. Once upon a time it worried her to hold my hand in public, people might see, people might think things, people might care. In our travels around the city I don't think it occurred to her someone might care, I don't think she cared anymore if they did care...... We have come so far together, I can't wait to keep going further together. Always holding hands as we help each other along this path called living a life.
I am going to try to stay true to reaching out to women who came out or are coming out later in life, letting them know it's an odd little road full of twists and turns and even falls but that it's worth it, its so worth it. Even if you never find your soul mate or true love, there is something amazing and wonderful about just living an authentic life that brings its own joy. And of course, I am going to offer up my own insights into life, love and the political arena here and there, because I just can't keep my mouth shut sometimes. And I keep on thinking of stuff, like what I really have been wanting to talk about, even if it isn't what you really wanted to read.
Can I ask you all a question for a possible future post? Can a belief bear fruit at all? Either good or bad? Are beliefs a fruit of the Spirit? And if one was to look at some of our own beliefs and realized they bore fetid fruit, can we discard them and replace them with beliefs that bear good fruit? I have the opinion that beliefs do bear fruit, both good and bad. I have the opinion that this country (and ourselves) need to take a good hard look at some of it's beliefs that are bearing a lot of fetid, rancid, sickly fruit. Not all of them are about the gay community, but I will certainly focus on those more than the others.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving, Thank God for being gay!!!
Thank God I am gay!!!! If I were not, I would not have met and fallen in love with Lorrie. It's a big reason to be thankful, but it sure isn't the only one. I simply am thankful, because now that I have accepted it, I am finally whole. I finally am able to love, not just Lorrie, but my boys, and my friends. I am also thankful to belong to a truly gifted set of people. We make up a full third of all writers, more than 25% of all musicians and artists. We are entrepreneurs, adventurers and ground breakers, news makers and news reporters. I am thankful that there are other gays who are out there making the world more interesting and exciting if not just plain better for all.
Now while I myself am not much of a business person, nor would I be called artistic, I sure love to write. Would I still, if I were not gay? I don't know. How can I know? I can't, none of us can. Because I can't separate out any part of me without losing the whole of me. I can't stop being gay. If I couldn't when I was in denial, how can I do it now? If when I was in denial, I was still gay, though I didn't act upon it, then how can I stop now? I was created gay. No human caused me to be gay, no human forced it upon me, nothing that happened to me in my life made me gay. More happened in my life to have guaranteed that I was straight, but I didn't. All of society told me growing up there was only one way to be, and that was straight, get married to a nice boy, have children, all else was wrong. But what was wrong, was that believing misconceptions made me deny it in myself. Had I never been lead out of those misconceptions by "that still small voice" and I was still denying my gayness, I would still be gay. My wishing it away, my praying and fasting it away, my hoping it away did not change it. What changed instead was my whole belief system, in a flash, in an epiphany, so to speak. No, I don't forget that the still small voice had been speaking for 30 years, lol, see, I am thick headed sometimes.......but still, that moment, when finally I quit believing what "man" said was true about me, the moment I began to believe what God was telling me about myself, was the moment I began to live as a human, and not a shadow, not a liar, not a secret, not in a closet, but as a human, out in the open, among other humans. The truth set me free. And for that, I am eternally thankful.
Um, Rebecca, are you outta your mind? Let's see, the FBI just announced that gays are the most victimized of all minority persons. There are organizations who's sole purpose is to see that our love is re-criminalized. They nearly succeeded in Uganda after holding a summit there, thank God that proposal was finally withdrawn after international backlash threatened their ties to the rest of the world. The military says that we can only serve if we are really, really good at covering up our personal lives and lying about it when asked, and if we ask our friends and lovers to lie for us. The Feds say they won't recognize our marriages, even if the state we live in does. We are called all sorts of unsavory names, accused of many crimes against nature and children and politicians worry that if they vote for our civil rights they will lose elections, and and and and......I am thankful that there are those who don't believe the lies, I am thankful that there are those who are openly gay and are mayors, state legislators and US Congressmen. I am thankful they didn't believe the lies and had the courage to run for office, even the one's who didn't win.
You know what? Some of the best people I know of are out there fighting, day and night for our government to finally acknowledge that we are indeed included as "All men" when the Declaration of Independence says: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." I am thankful for the portion of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that prohibits discrimination by state government institutions. The clause grants all people "equal protection of the laws," which means that the states must apply the law equally and cannot give preference to one person or class of persons over another. I am thankful that it is there, because soon, the courts are going to have to realize that it already applies to us.
I am thankful because we already have the rights, we are already equal. In the same way I was still gay, even when I denied it to myself and others around me, in the same way that Blacks were equal, even before the courts and then the people said they were, in that same way, we have the rights and we are equal, and someday, the courts, and then the people will realize it, because of the tireless work of our advocates, our straight allies, those online and offline, and the work we do in ourselves. For them, for us, I am most thankful this Thanksgiving.
Thank you Jude, Jay, Autumn, Lt. Dan Choi, thank you Equality PA, The New Civil Rights Movement and David Badash, thank you Pam. Thank you Wendy, and all the others out there who I am just not thinking of right now, who make our voices heard, when we ourselves cannot always speak. Happy Thanksgiving.
Now while I myself am not much of a business person, nor would I be called artistic, I sure love to write. Would I still, if I were not gay? I don't know. How can I know? I can't, none of us can. Because I can't separate out any part of me without losing the whole of me. I can't stop being gay. If I couldn't when I was in denial, how can I do it now? If when I was in denial, I was still gay, though I didn't act upon it, then how can I stop now? I was created gay. No human caused me to be gay, no human forced it upon me, nothing that happened to me in my life made me gay. More happened in my life to have guaranteed that I was straight, but I didn't. All of society told me growing up there was only one way to be, and that was straight, get married to a nice boy, have children, all else was wrong. But what was wrong, was that believing misconceptions made me deny it in myself. Had I never been lead out of those misconceptions by "that still small voice" and I was still denying my gayness, I would still be gay. My wishing it away, my praying and fasting it away, my hoping it away did not change it. What changed instead was my whole belief system, in a flash, in an epiphany, so to speak. No, I don't forget that the still small voice had been speaking for 30 years, lol, see, I am thick headed sometimes.......but still, that moment, when finally I quit believing what "man" said was true about me, the moment I began to believe what God was telling me about myself, was the moment I began to live as a human, and not a shadow, not a liar, not a secret, not in a closet, but as a human, out in the open, among other humans. The truth set me free. And for that, I am eternally thankful.
Um, Rebecca, are you outta your mind? Let's see, the FBI just announced that gays are the most victimized of all minority persons. There are organizations who's sole purpose is to see that our love is re-criminalized. They nearly succeeded in Uganda after holding a summit there, thank God that proposal was finally withdrawn after international backlash threatened their ties to the rest of the world. The military says that we can only serve if we are really, really good at covering up our personal lives and lying about it when asked, and if we ask our friends and lovers to lie for us. The Feds say they won't recognize our marriages, even if the state we live in does. We are called all sorts of unsavory names, accused of many crimes against nature and children and politicians worry that if they vote for our civil rights they will lose elections, and and and and......I am thankful that there are those who don't believe the lies, I am thankful that there are those who are openly gay and are mayors, state legislators and US Congressmen. I am thankful they didn't believe the lies and had the courage to run for office, even the one's who didn't win.
You know what? Some of the best people I know of are out there fighting, day and night for our government to finally acknowledge that we are indeed included as "All men" when the Declaration of Independence says: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." I am thankful for the portion of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that prohibits discrimination by state government institutions. The clause grants all people "equal protection of the laws," which means that the states must apply the law equally and cannot give preference to one person or class of persons over another. I am thankful that it is there, because soon, the courts are going to have to realize that it already applies to us.
I am thankful because we already have the rights, we are already equal. In the same way I was still gay, even when I denied it to myself and others around me, in the same way that Blacks were equal, even before the courts and then the people said they were, in that same way, we have the rights and we are equal, and someday, the courts, and then the people will realize it, because of the tireless work of our advocates, our straight allies, those online and offline, and the work we do in ourselves. For them, for us, I am most thankful this Thanksgiving.
Thank you Jude, Jay, Autumn, Lt. Dan Choi, thank you Equality PA, The New Civil Rights Movement and David Badash, thank you Pam. Thank you Wendy, and all the others out there who I am just not thinking of right now, who make our voices heard, when we ourselves cannot always speak. Happy Thanksgiving.
Monday, July 12, 2010
The Philadelphia Story........
I think we should let you know, I live in Pennsylvania. Just outside of Philly.
How easy and simple that sounds now. How wonderful and exciting it is to finally be here, to have a place, at last, at long last, to call my home. We made it, Lorrie and I made it and we did it together. It is still sinking in, but I am here with my lady love and it is more amazing than either one of us thought it would be.
I have a Pennsylvania drivers license, I am registered to vote, have a good job and am more in love with Lorrie than I thought possible, because I thought I was already as in love with her as much as was humanly possible.
I have been here 5 weeks now. (She's on a business trip right now, so I have a little time to write, lolololol........ Lorrie said I should let you know that we have been having too much sex to write anything before now ;-)
This last year has sure seen a lot of changes for both of us, Lorrie finally decided to get a divorce this winter, and no, not because I was moving here, lol. She just had enough, it was that simple, enough of it all. At first, when she told me, I was sorry that they couldn't stick it out and just co parent. But well, now, I am really glad, lol. And that is all I will say about that :)
Just so I come back and write again, I am going to leave off there for now, I gotta tell you about Leaving Reno, lol. It was an adventure if nothing else! I hope you are all doing well, I miss the blogosphere, but I think last year it was better that we didn't write so much, it was a bit stressful for both of us, but now, no stress, only joy!

I have a Pennsylvania drivers license, I am registered to vote, have a good job and am more in love with Lorrie than I thought possible, because I thought I was already as in love with her as much as was humanly possible.
I have been here 5 weeks now. (She's on a business trip right now, so I have a little time to write, lolololol........ Lorrie said I should let you know that we have been having too much sex to write anything before now ;-)
This last year has sure seen a lot of changes for both of us, Lorrie finally decided to get a divorce this winter, and no, not because I was moving here, lol. She just had enough, it was that simple, enough of it all. At first, when she told me, I was sorry that they couldn't stick it out and just co parent. But well, now, I am really glad, lol. And that is all I will say about that :)
Just so I come back and write again, I am going to leave off there for now, I gotta tell you about Leaving Reno, lol. It was an adventure if nothing else! I hope you are all doing well, I miss the blogosphere, but I think last year it was better that we didn't write so much, it was a bit stressful for both of us, but now, no stress, only joy!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day

I love you Lorrie, beyond beyondly. Yes, I just love you.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas!
From Lorrie and I, to all of you, Merry Christmas and the most wonderful of New Years!
I hope you each get everything you want and need this year. I know I will on the first, when Darling Lorrie is here for 5 days.
Take care of yourselves and the ones you love because that is the best we can ever do.
Again, we wish an amazing and Merry Christmas to all!!!
I hope you each get everything you want and need this year. I know I will on the first, when Darling Lorrie is here for 5 days.
Take care of yourselves and the ones you love because that is the best we can ever do.
Again, we wish an amazing and Merry Christmas to all!!!
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