Monday, October 13, 2008

Fountain of Youth

Ponce de Leon searched for the Fountain of Youth, and he found his version of it. Well I have to tell you, I found a much better and truer version of the fountain of is called True Love!
The kind of love that makes you feel alive for the first time ever. It makes you want to experience so many things with your Lover, not just sexual things, but everyday things that you just want to share with her! It makes you feel like a teenager all over again!!!! Yes, a teenager..and what a wonderful feeling...especially after 42 years of feeling like something was missing..a big piece of me was missing!
I met Rebecca over two years ago and our relationship has been an absolute eye opener for me...wonderfully so! I feel energized, alive, awake, passionate, youthful....oh...and Sexy!!! Yes...I feel Sexy for the first time ever!!! So watch out world...this, now 45 year old woman has found her Fountain of Youth!!! And..I plan on feeling like a teenager forever...with Rebecca!!!

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