Monday, March 23, 2009

I had to share this piece from D. Allan Kerr......

The other day, I read a post on Pam's House Blend, and they mentioned this article by D. Allen Kerr, someone who's bio bit looks like this: D. Allan Kerr is a struggling novelist and former newspaper reporter who now spends his days wrestling with lobsters.
Can I just say, they need to add "and a noble man" to that. I mean that in the truest sense of the word. I would hope my sons can someday look at the world the way he does.
He has graciously allowed me to reprint the article in full to use on Blogging for Truth. I hope you all take a few to read it. It takes just one candle to start pushing away the dark.

A Battle Hymn for Equality

By D. Allan Kerr

Published March 18, 2009
Reprinted in full (on Blogging For Truth) by the gracious permission of the author.

There’s a segment of our society which would suggest homosexuals are my enemy; this same segment tells homosexuals I do not believe in their cause. These are individuals who believe other people should be prevented from exercising the same rights they themselves enjoy – even if these other people pay their taxes, contribute to society, and obey the laws of the land.

A bill recently introduced into the Maine legislature would allow residents to marry someone of the same sex, presumably if they are both consenting adults. Now those supporting and opposing the measure are each marshalling their forces for battle in the months ahead – the battle for your heart, your mind and your vote. Both sides will claim to speak for the majority, but in the end you will most likely have the opportunity to speak for yourself.

I have nothing to gain from this proposal. I am euphorically heterosexual, married to a partner who is quite literally the woman of my dreams. We have three strong sons and a little girl with the twinkling face of an angel, who will celebrate her first birthday this very weekend...

you can read the full article on Blogging for Truth or Seacoastonline.
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