Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What's on My Mind

Is it Friday night yet?
I need to do laundry.
I can't wait to see Rebecca!
I need to figure out what to pack.
I want to be touching her so much!
Should I wear a mask on the plane...I don't want to be sick when I 'm with Rebecca.
I can't wait to be holding her!
Is it Friday night yet?
I need to make sure my daughter has everything she needs for the dance on Friday night.
I need to make sure the h knows all of the comings and goings of the kids this weekend.
I NEED to make love to Rebecca!!
Is it Friday night yet?
I need to finish some things up at work before Friday afternoon.
What should I make for dinner tomorrow night...oh hell, we'll just eat out!
I need to be doing that to Rebecca!!! YESSSSSSS!!
Is it Friday night yet?
I need to clean up the kitchen.
I need to go to bed.
I need to be in bed with Rebecca!!
Is it Friday night yet?
Should I check my luggage or just carry on?
Oh hell, who cares what I I need clothes anyway!
Sex with Rebecca is AMAZING!!
Is it Friday night yet?
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