Sunday, May 31, 2009

Assembly follows Senate in Reversing Governor's Veto of SB 283

Nevada Legislature Rebukes Gibbons Veto - Domestic Partnership a Reality in Nevada!!!!!

From Your Gay

Assembly follows Senate in Reversing Governor's Veto of SB 283

By: Sam Olson
May 31, 2009

In an 11th hour, 28-14 vote, the Nevada Assembly reversed Jim Gibbons gubernatorial veto of SB 283, Nevada's Domestic Partnership Bill. This follows a 14-7 Senate vote last night that similarly sought to overturn the Governor's veto.

The move of the Legislature comes after a heavily attended rally at UNR on Tuesday, where citizens gathered to voice disapproval not only of the California Supreme Court's upholding of Proposition 8, but Governor Gibbons veto of SB 283.

Contrary to public belief, 283 is not a 'gay marriage' bill, but opens up an alternative to marriage for any two single adults not related by blood, conveying in one registration many of the rights contractually granted at great cost. SB 283 has been a point of contention throughout the legislative session, pitting Republicans and Democrats against each other, and against member of their own parties.

WOW! Good for Nevada and our LGBT!!
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