They get to decide if 18,000 marriages remain in place, to decide if more couples can join them or not, to decide on something that in my opinion these men and women should nev

I don't envy the Court, but my heart goes out to not only the 18,000 but to the thousands more who want to get married and only an unconstitutional law is stopping them.
My heart goes out to those who have faced an increase in violent hate crimes against them because somehow the haters saw last November's passage of H8 as an excuse to act out. And my heart goes out to those of us who keep hoping someday this will be a non-issue because love will win out in the end.
And it isn't just my heart but my fight too, they aren't just my neighboring state, they are my brothers and sisters in a battle for equal rights. I won't give up the fight no matter the decision, I know they won't either.
I pray that reason will win out in the end. I believe in the end it will, life is often unfair, but in the end, it is always just. We wait with you California.
Cross posted at Blogging for Truth