Sunday, May 31, 2009

PA Community College Eliminates Protections Based on Sexual Orientation

Just in from Queers United........

Westmoreland County Community College Eliminates Protections Based on Sexual Orientation

For the past nine years Westmoreland County Community College in Pennsylvania has included "sexual orientation" and "union membership" under its non-discrimination policy.

"But the school now says there is another statement that does not contain those four words and that it is the only one approved as an official policy by college trustees in a 1998 vote.

So the college has begun the unusual task of striking references to both classes of people from its non-discrimination language, including a statement on the college's web site" (Post Gazette).

Further, this decision may be part of a cover up by the school to ensure they are not liable for a conflict with a former school employee who was denied health insurance for his spouse after he legally married in Massachusetts.

For the complete story, please head over to Queers United

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