Lorrie finally made it to Oklahoma!!! LOL Saturday around 1pm!!!!!!! OMG I thought those 15 extra hours were going to kill me and Lorrie too.......she did finally make it into town and we had a great time. My sister and brother-in-law drove out to Oklahoma City and picked me up Friday since Lorrie wasn't going to be there and I spent the night at their house. It was wonderful to see them again and we had a great time talking and catching up. It is the first time I had been to their place and it is adorable. We also went out to their 25 acres where they are getting ready to build their dream house.
Both of them are fantastic cooks, he made the most amazing Mexican and Italian food and my sister baked like crazy for us. She made me this homemade chocolate cake from scratch that was to die for and these little loaf cakes too. I feel like I gained 10 pounds!
I just got home, so we will have to blog more about this later.
I feel much better after spending time with Lorrie of course~and should be less cranky for a little while............